Circle City Fellows

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Fellowship Experience | Scott Noel

The fellowship experience through Circle City Fellows gives Fellows a structured environment to learn about how their work is meaningful to the Mission of God and to the flourishing of the City of Indianapolis (and beyond). During nine months, Fellows create deep connections with their peers, focus on building spiritual and professional practices and create tangible ways in which they can impact their place of work. We asked these questions six months into the Fellowship experience. To get to know Scott a little more, check out this video.

Now that you have been a part of the Fellowship experience for a few months, do you believe that your work matters to the mission of God? If so, how?

Yes. I view my work as playing a role in God's larger redemptive story. Each coworker or client I interact with is a chance to set a life-giving culture. I'm in the advice/planning business and I have the ability to steward my missional wisdom and influence well.

What has your experience been like so far?

The experience has been better than I could have ever expected. The weekly reading has been challenging but always relevant. The retreats have been life-giving. The Saturday forums have exposed us to some of the most influential decision-makers in the city and have been extremely thought-provoking. Spending time with David and my mentor has been transformative. Perhaps my highlight would be the great people involved, who I expect to be lifelong friends.

What is one thing that you want others to know about the Fellowship?

You won't regret participating or having an employee/parishioner be a fellow. The design of the fellowship self selects individuals deeply committed to the flourishing of their communities.