Fellowship Experience | Justin Noelle

The fellowship experience through Circle City Fellows gives Fellows a structured environment to learn about how their work is meaningful to the Mission of God and to the flourishing of the City of Indianapolis (and beyond). During nine months, Fellows create deep connections with their peers, focus on building spiritual and professional practices and create tangible ways in which they can impact their place of work. We asked these questions six months into the Fellowship experience. To get to know Justin a little more, check out this video.

Now that you have been a part of the Fellowship experience for a few months, do you believe that your work matters to the mission of God? If so, how?

YES! God, the Creator, made us in His image - meaning we were made for work; it is not a result of the Fall. So what we do with the majority of our effort on a weekly basis matters to God and will be used as He redeems ALL things.

What has your experience been like so far?

The Circle City Fellowship experience has been a transformative experience for me. From personal spiritual growth to professional development to a new understanding of God's work in Indianapolis, this experience has ignited a new passion to use my skills and abilities to impact others.

What is one thing that you want others to know about the Fellowship?

It is worth the investment in yourself! The cohort, the readings, the Saturday sessions, the personal project, professional project - everything in this program is designed to work together to get you to think differently about how you engage in your sphere of influence for Kingdom impact: family, neighborhood, workplace, and city.

Elizabeth Caudle
I am a photographer in the Indianapolis area that specializes in capturing the essence of the moment. Our lives are made of moments and the ability to keep some of those moments forever is a wonderful feeling. Whether you have kids, are engaged, or are a senior in high school, I would love to talk to you about capturing your moments.

Fellowship Experience | Scott Noel


Introducing the Class of 2020