Next Right Step | David Counsell

We recently talked with David Counsell (Class of 2020) about his experience and growth during the last year and a half. And how he has taken the "next right step" in his career and calling. Here is what he had to say:

"Around the time I started the 9-month fellowship program with Circle City Fellows (CCF), I had also initiated the formation of an exploratory team of volunteers. This team of diverse professionals studied the modern-day hurdles that prevent everyday people from living sustainable lifestyles, and brainstormed on practical solutions – specifically in regards to the built environment. I was on an ambitious journey to find out “what pleases the Lord” (Ephesians 5:10) in my life and care.

After building confidence and experience in my career as an engineer and designer, I was captivated by a vision given by the Holy Spirit to lead a charge that could help people and the environment at a significant scale. However, I knew I didn’t have a theological framework or a leadership skillset robust enough to bring this vision to life. The Fellowship led me through developing a deep understanding of my weakness, strengths, skills, and platform of influence that could be leveraged for the greater good, while allowing me to discover my own theological framework for the meaning of work. The intense depth of our curriculum as well as the personal bond that grew amongst the fellows kept me engage for the full 9-months. During this time I also found some likeminded land developers and property owners who enabled our team to form a self-funded nonprofit organization (Land Stewards of Indianapolis) around the vision of the exploratory team. This nonprofit initially helped educate developers on sustainable and human-centered practices that they could implement in their developments.

Since the completion of the program, the nonprofit continued to grow and bring on new clients and projects that aligned with the vision. I now had not only the vision and calling, but the skills and clients to move this vision onward. Our organization had identified an economically sustainable niche, and my confidence had grown tremendously. I was equipped with both the theological and practical understanding necessary for a new level of organization leadership.

In January of 2021, we launched a for-profit arm of the company (Land Stewards Design Group) that provides wholistic land planning and design services. The organization as a whole now has 6 employees and a permanent office space in Speedway.

Just as I experienced, I have no doubt that CCF will accelerate the careers of many other missional leaders to come, through God’s provision and the obedience and perseverance of David Bell and the Board of Directors."

This isn't the only story of life change and Kingdom impact that is happening within our Fellows. We are so thankful for David and his faithfulness to live out his calling and we can't wait to see the continued impact of that faithfulness. Learn more about Land Stewards here:

Elizabeth Caudle
I am a photographer in the Indianapolis area that specializes in capturing the essence of the moment. Our lives are made of moments and the ability to keep some of those moments forever is a wonderful feeling. Whether you have kids, are engaged, or are a senior in high school, I would love to talk to you about capturing your moments.

Interview with Tiera Hollanquest and Gabe Moore


Fellows Spotlight | Sarah Crosby