Fellowship Experience | Julie Coval

The fellowship experience through Circle City Fellows gives Fellows a structured environment to learn about how their work is meaningful to the Mission of God and to the flourishing of the City of Indianapolis (and beyond). During nine months, Fellows create deep connections with their peers, focus on building spiritual and professional practices and create tangible ways in which they can impact their place of work. We asked these questions six months into the Fellowship experience. To get to know Julie a little more, check out this video.

Now that you have been a part of the Fellowship experience for a few months, do you believe that your work matters to the mission of God? If so, how?

I believe my presence and the manner in which I conduct my work matters to the mission of God. God cares about the way we redeem areas of work that are broken through people, processes, and mindsets. We are called to not only complete our day to day tasks within our job descriptions, but to look at the bigger picture of how we can create a healthier environment that ultimately points to Jesus.

What has your experience been like so far?

My experience has been challenging and eye-opening. Prior to the fellowship, I did not feel a strong connection between my work and God's mission. While I felt that my character and personal interactions should reflect God, I did not focus on how the work itself could be important to God. I still believe my character is a key piece in working for God, but I have grown to realize that my day to day interactions and tangible output all have the capability to be redeeming work.

Elizabeth Caudle
I am a photographer in the Indianapolis area that specializes in capturing the essence of the moment. Our lives are made of moments and the ability to keep some of those moments forever is a wonderful feeling. Whether you have kids, are engaged, or are a senior in high school, I would love to talk to you about capturing your moments.

Fellowship Experience | Katherine Gering


Fellowship Experience | David Counsell